The Theory

Systems Model

          Betty Neuman's System Model was developed as a way to teach an introductory nursing course to nursing students. The goal of the model was to provide a wholistic overview of the physiological, psychological, spiritual, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of the human beings. According to Betty Neuman, the model aims to set forth  a structure that depicts the parts and subparts and their interrelationships for the whole of the client as a complete system. Neuman's model is viewed as an open system in which repeated cycles of input, process, output, and feedback, constitute a dynamic organization pattern. The client may be an individual, a group, a family, a community, or an aggregate.

Client System

  • A series of concentric circles surrounding a core or the basic structure, depicts the client system in the Neuman's Model. Each Line of defense or resistance has certain distinct properties, but the main function is to protect the basic structure and help maintain the system in a stable state.
  • In Neuman's model, the term client is synonym for the nursing metaparadigm concept "person". The term client indicates a collaborative relationship between caregiver and care receiver and focuses on the wellness perspective of the model.
  • Neuman defines client as a unlimited entity with an active personality system whose evolution follows principles, symbolism, and systematic organizations. It is not always possible to see the potential expansions of this entity and the ramifications of its actions.
  • In Neuman's model, the client can be defined as any system that interacts with the environment. Therefore, the client maybe defined as an individual, family, group, or community.
  • Neuman believes the client to be open, the relationship o f the client to the environment is reciprocal. Therefore, The client both influences and is influenced by the environment.